One of the most important parts of an article is the topic, as it grabs your readers’ attention. If you have a good topic, you will encourage your readers to read more. But if the topic is boring, nobody will be interested in reading your article.
Understanding how to write a good topic can help you present your ideas in an organized way. A good article writing topic should be engaging and optimized for SEO. Unfortunately, no matter how good you are as a writer, you will sometimes struggle with writing an article topic. If you are finding it hard to write a good topic for your article, we have some great topic suggestions for you.
Tips for Picking the Right Topic for Your Article
Here are a few ideas that will help you choose a good topic:
Analyze the Competition
While your fellow writers aren’t competitors, they can be a good source of topics for your article. You can go through their articles and analyze an angle that they haven’t covered or gaps in their articles. Then, choose an article topic that fills that gap.
Understand Your Target Audience
It goes without saying that the best article topic is the one that is best suited for your audience. You can read and respond to blog comments by your audience. What is the audience interested in? What are the unique problems they are trying to overcome? By asking yourself these questions, you will understand areas that need to be covered
Choose an Interesting Topic
If you choose a boring topic, you will find it hard to tackle it. Your audience will feel the lack of passion in the write-up and will also be bored. Therefore, choose an interesting topic as it will be felt in your writeup.
Sample Topics for Article Writing
Whether you are in blog writing, article writing, or digital marketing, here are some topic ideas that will appeal to your readers:
Health, Wellness, and Lifestyle
In the fast-paced world of the 21st century, health and wellness are a concern for many people due to the risks of lifestyle diseases. This is why there is a huge demand for health, wellness, and lifestyle topics. When writing on these topics, you should advise people on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Some of the topic ideas you should consider are:
- Top 10 tips to care for your mental health
- How to manage different lifestyle diseases
- Using Yoga and mind healing to maintain wellness
- Top 5 Diets to maintain a healthy lifestyle
- Styling and beauty tips
- Disease prevention and management
Business and Finance
There are lots of topics you can write on business and finance. Some of the best topics for article writing in this niche are:
- Top 25 Entrepreneurship tips for beginners
- How to manage your personal finances
- How to come out of debt
- Investment tips that will grow your wealth
- Top 10 time management tips in the 21st century
- How to invest and grow your wealth
Trending Topics
If you need an ever-green topic that will never go out of fashion, you should go for trending topics. Some of the best-trending topics for article writing are on:
- Celebrity news and gossip
- Current events
- Shopping tips and price comparison
- Real-life incidences
- Industry news such as financial, fashion, and more
- Music and concert news
Personal Development
People are always searching for personal development tips to help them achieve their goals or overcome challenges. Some of the interesting topics for article writing in this niche are:
- How to improve your self-confidence
- How to reach a self-actualization level
- Overcoming bad habits and building good habits
- How to get motivated
- Finding and pursuing your purpose in life
- Dealing and overcoming self-doubt
Technology And Inventions
Technology is one of the biggest inventions of the 21st century. With technological advancements happening every day, you should keep your readers informed on what is happening. Some of the topics you can write on include:
- Artificial intelligence
- Internet of things
- Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
- Blockchain technology
- Machine Learning
DIY Tips and Hacks
People are always searching for solutions to their problems. If you write on this and answer people’s queries, you will see results. Some of the DIY topics you can write on include:
- How to select a niche for my blog
- How to become an influencer
- How to choose the right carer path
- How to work out from home
- How to start a business with no capital
Travel and Tourism
Some of the topics that people are searching for are:
- Destination reviews
- Accommodation options for different budgets
- Cultural experiences
- Traveling for adventure
- Sustainable tourism
- Travel tips and tricks
- Eco-tourism
Sports and Entertainment
One of the ways in which people unwind is through Sports and entertainment. Some sports events, such as baseball finals and the English Premier League, attract billions of viewers. This makes it an interesting topic to write on. Some of the unique topics for article writing in this niche are:
- English Premier League team and player news
- Baseball news and predictions
- Sports betting tips and predictions
- E-sport and e-gaming news
Fitness and Workouts
In an era where people are struggling with obesity, fitness, and workout is another ever-green topic that draws a large audience. Some of the topics you can write on in this niche are:
- Tips on dining out and staying on course for your fitness goal
- Top 10 low-impact exercises for seniors
- HIITs exercises for people with busy schedules
- Friendly exercises for disabled persons
- How to engage in bodyweight exercises as a beginner
In Conclusion
Your choice of topic will determine the level of interest people show in your article. A good article topic will grab people’s attention and draw them to your write-up. However, no matter how proficient you are as a writer, you will sometimes struggle to get a good topic for article writing.
If you are struggling to find a good topic for your article, consider one of the above topics. These are some of the most searched topics, so you can be assured of a ready audience to read your article.
Happy Writing!