Nature Of Communication & Its Characteristics

The process of sharing ideas, information, views, facts, feelings, etc., among the people by way of speech, writing or behavior is called communication. In a broader sense, communication is the process by which individuals or groups exchange information, ideas and feelings with each other. The nature of communication involves sharing information and thoughts with others. 

Communication may be verbal or nonverbal in nature but it always has an impact on people’s lives. In this article we will discuss about what is communication? How does it work? What are its characteristics? How important is this tool which has become indispensable in our lives today?

The main characteristics of communication are as follows:

In this section, we will discuss the main characteristics of communication.

  • Communication is a process. It involves at least two participants, sender and receiver. The sender sends signals to the receiver who then responds with some kind of expression or behavior that indicates what they are receiving in their minds/in their hearts (whether verbal or nonverbal). This then results in an exchange between them where they both learn something new from each other’s perspective; this can be done through conversation, writing letters etc…
  • Communication should be irreversible and unrepeatable because it’s not like you can just reverse back time and change things about how you acted when it happened before! You’ll always remember what happened after all those years have passed away since then so there won’t be any danger if we were talking about changing history itself here now! But anyway..

9 Natures of communication

Communication is a vital part of life, and one that we all use every day. But what exactly is communication? And how can it be better understood?

Communication is a process.

Communication is a process. It is a transaction in which two or more people exchange messages, thoughts, ideas and information to achieve mutual understanding. The receiver of the message perceives it as intended for him by the sender, but not everyone interprets communication in exactly the same way. Communication may be verbal (spoken) or nonverbal (written).

Verbal communication involves spoken words that have meaning, sound pleasant to listen to and are easily understood by others who speak English as a native language; whereas non-verbal or visual signs communicate ideas through body language such as facial expression, gestures etc., which are harder for outsiders like foreigners etc., who don’t know how to interpret them correctly because they lack knowledge about local culture/society where this particular mode of communication originated from.

Communication is purposeful.

Communication is not just about sending a message, but also about getting a response. The purpose of communication is to get your message across and get the other person’s attention so that they can start thinking in your direction, so that you can reach them on their level and help them see things from your perspective, or even learn something new about yourself.

Communication is contextual.

In the classroom setting, it’s important to understand that context can be a powerful influence on communication. Even intrapersonal communication is affected. The social, cultural, physical and temporal context all play a role in how we communicate with each other. Some examples of these contexts include:

  • Social – For example: “Hey guys! Let’s go out for coffee after school today” or “I can’t wait until Friday so we can watch movies together again.”
  • Cultural – In some cultures people are more direct than others when they want something done; while in others they prefer to talk around problems until they’ve worked through them first (like my friend who always asks me if I want “to just be friends” before she actually tells me what’s going on).
  • Physical – There are countless ways that physical space affects our ability to communicate effectively – from noisy environments like nightclubs or living rooms where we have difficulty hearing each other over loud music; big crowds like concerts full of screaming fans; narrow hallways which prevent us from seeing each other clearly enough; etcetera…

Communication is learned.

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As we grow up and observe the world around us, we become more aware of how to communicate with others in different situations. We learn that when someone says “please,” it means “thank you.” We learn that when someone talks about their job on a first date, they’re probably not looking for a second one right now either. And so on and so forth—the ability to communicate relies on observation and imitation (learning through observation). The great thing about this process is that it occurs naturally over time; no one ever needs to be taught how it works!

Communication is symbolic.

Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages, as well as making meaning out of communication events. In other words, communication is a process by which two or more people exchange information, meanings and feelings. Communication is possible only by interpreting the language used by others. However, it is not inherently interactive.

Interpretation involves a combination of following the rules of language and using context clues to decide upon the meaning of a message. In short, communication involves sending and receiving messages as well as making meaning out of communication events. In other words, communication is a process of exchanging information between people in order to transmit ideas, thoughts and emotions—in short: it’s about making sense together!

Communication is a transaction.

The exchange of information is what communication does, and it’s important to remember that this is how you can tell if someone has communicated with you or not. If there isn’t an exchange of information, then there was no communication.

The first thing we need to understand about transactions is that they have two parts: the sender (the person who makes the transaction) and receiver (the person receiving it). Depending on whether a transaction is successful or not depends on whether both parties agree upon what happened during the exchange; if they do not agree then nothing happened at all!

Communication is irreversible and unrepeatable.

It’s not something that happens once and then you say goodbye to each other forever. Communication is an interactive process of giving and receiving information in order to accomplish a mutual goal. The receiver must be able to understand the meaning behind what the said so that they can respond intelligently. If someone says “I love you” as he walks away from his girlfriend after a fight, but she doesn’t understand why he said it because she doesn’t know what love means for him; then this person has failed at communicating with her properly!

Communication must also be dynamic – which means that it changes over time as both parties learn more about themselves, their relationships with others around them (both close friends/family members), their environment around them all while developing new skills based upon past experiences while interacting within society today – all these factors will influence how well we communicate now vs twenty years ago or ten years ago depending on where life takes us next week when we return home after work tomorrow night ok?

Communication is a continuous process.

It is not a one-time event, and it does not take place in a vacuum. The receiver of communication must respond to what has been communicated to them in order for any communication to occur. If you are communicating with someone, then it is very likely that they are also communicating with someone else as well—or at least thinking about doing so! It is therefore an ongoing flow between two or more parties who may have different ideas about what needs to be said or done next based on their own perceptions of reality (which we will discuss later).

Communication involves at least two participants-sender and receiver.

It involves at least two participants, who exchange information and ideas. The sender and receiver must be able to understand each other’s communication needs and respond accordingly. Communication is an irreversible and unrepeatable process that occurs between two people or groups over time (for example, online). One of the most important components of human interaction; it allows us to share knowledge with others through language or gesture, which can lead us down new paths for learning about ourselves or our world around us!

There are different modes of communications like verbal and nonverbal communication.

  • Verbal Communication – Verbal communication is a way of transmitting information, feelings, and desires from one person to another through the use of spoken words. Verbal communication includes body language, tone, word choice, and speed of speech. Have you ever heard the phrase, “actions speak louder than words?” It’s true. Verbal communication is only a small part of how we communicate. Body language and tone can mean a lot more to the listener than the words themselves. The way someone says the word, “yes,” tells the listener whether they mean, “yes,” or “no,” and if they are joking or not.
  • Non Verbal Communication – Nonverbal cues play an important role in effective communication as well! For example: a person might smile when they hear good news or frown when they learn bad news–these expressions help us better understand each other’s feelings during conversations because they indicate whether we trust each other or not.” Non-verbal communication is also used heavily in marketing.

Importance of Communication in an Organization

Communication is the key to success in any organization. It gives you an opportunity to share ideas, information, views, facts and feelings among your colleagues and employees. Communication helps them understand each other better which makes it easier for them to work together effectively.

Communication skills are very important in all walks of life. From keeping your family on the same page to making sure your business is running smoothly, communication is really important. Communication also leads to increased productivity and creativity, which is why businesses pay thousands of dollars for training in the field of communication. Having strong communication skills allows you to talk about the issues that matter to you the most and to understand when it is the time to speak up and when it is the time to listen.

To achieve stability and growth in the organization, it is essential to have a smooth communication system.

Communication plays a vital role in management and business. It is the medium of information transfer within the organization and also between the organization and the outside world. It is the process of sharing information. Without communication, the organization cannot survive. It is that important. It helps in the smooth functioning of the organization.

The process is essential for the smooth and efficient functioning of the organization. Effective communication leads to improved productivity, profitability, and quality of products and services. Communication means sharing ideas, information, views and facts between people by way of speech or writing or behavior. 

Exchange – In this part one person gives information to another person who must then respond with something else (e.g., response) that corresponds with what they hear from their partner(s). This exchange takes place over time so that both parties can get familiar with each other’s point of view before reaching an agreement on how best they can proceed together towards achieving their objectives


Communication is a process of exchange. It involves the exchange of information between people in order to achieve a common goal or purpose. The nature of the communication process can be broken down into three main steps: listening, speaking and writing. We have demonstrated that there are five different types of communication which include verbal, non-verbal, visual and auditory communication and each type has its own unique role within social interactions as well as different ways of communicating depending on context and topic we talk about at time

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