The Impact of Social Media on SEO: Driving Traffic, Backlink Opportunities, Content Reach, and More

How important is social media on SEO? This has been a question in the minds of many SEOs. This is especially because Google suggests that social media signals don’t affect SERP rankings. 

But a closer look at the SERPs will reveal that even Facebook posts can appear on the SERPs. Therefore, while social media may not directly affect SEO, it can affect SEO factors, such as traffic. In this guide, we will study how social media sites affect SEO.

How Search Engines Treats Social Media

As noted earlier, Google suggests it doesn’t consider social signals a ranking factor. However, we can safely conclude that it’s a ranking factor. Some of the social ranking factors include:

  • Number of times that a site  is shared on social media
  • Number of times a site page is liked or commented on  social media
  • The perceived reach and presence of your site on social media.

While Bing accounts for 6.7% of all web searches, the search engine agrees that it uses social media as a ranking signal. If your site is shared widely on social media, Bing will consider that when ranking it on the SERPs.

How Social Media Affects Seo

There are several ways in which social media affects SEO. These are:

Driving Traffic

There is no doubt that traffic is a major ranking factor. People sharing your website pages on social media will increase visibility and drive traffic. This will help the site rank higher on the search engines. Therefore, do not tire of promoting your website pages on Reddit and other social media sites.

The number of backlinks is a major ranking factor on Google. They show the search engines that people love your content and recommend it to their readers. When your content is shared widely on social media, it will likely fall in the eyes of people who will like it. The result will be that someone in your niche will love the content and link back to your content. 

A Wide Content Reach

Want your content to reach as many people as possible? Social media is one of the best ways of ensuring a broader reach of your content.  Unlike on search engines, where people discover your content depending on the keyword they are searching for, on social media, people who didn’t even know your site existed will see your keywords.

If people search for your brand name, your social media profiles will likely rank high on search engines. If someone searches for a keyword, that is an added opportunity to drive traffic to your site. While most people searching for your branded keywords want to visit your site, some will want to check out your social media profiles.

Good Social Profiles Build Trust

When people see you have an active social media presence profile, they know it’s possible to reach you. On the other hand, they treat a nonexistent profile as a red flag. Social media can, therefore, be a significant asset if you are trying to build your trust using SEO. This also helps to put a human face behind your brand. 

Best Social Media Sites For Seo

So, which social media sites are the best for boosting your SEO? Here are the top options:

  • Facebook. This is an excellent choice for creating content and sharing with your followers. Besides, Google can crawl the platform, which is an added advantage.
  • Youtube. Google owns YouTube, and videos on the platforms are ranked on SERPs, making them a great option for boosting content visibility. This is especially because you can embed them on your webpage.
  • Twitter: Even though Google can’t crawl Twitter pages, hashtags help with content discoverability on the platform. People searching for those keywords will see your content on the social media site.

Tips For Using Social Media For SEO

To improve your SEO game, use the following tips:

  • Understand your audience. This will give you an idea of the content you should create, depending on what drives engagement.
  • Use hashtags. Hashtags have become prominent on social media today. They help people find content. Incorporating them into your social media posts will help you attract a targeted audience.
  • Share high-quality content on your social media site. Posting fresh and original content will ensure that it is shared by social media users, enhancing your reach.
  • Engage with your audience. Ensure you respond to their questions and encourage them to share your content.

Final Thoughts

While social media isn’t a ranking factor, it definitely affects SEO. From driving traffic to your site to helping you rank for branded keywords, there is a lot that social media will help you with. By following this guide, you can use social media to improve your SEO.

Benjamin is a writer with over ten years of experience in the content writing field. He holds a Bachelor's degree in  Journalism from Strathmore University. He writes on various niches such as product reviews, self-improvement, and making mone online. You can find him curled on his couch with a self-improvement book when he is not blogging.
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