Non Last Click Attribution Using Guide

non last link attribution

You’ve probably heard the term “last click attribution” before. In a nutshell, it’s a method of assigning credit for a conversion to the last marketing activity that was directly responsible for the sale. It’s a common way of measuring marketing effectiveness, but it’s not without its flaws. In this article, we’ll discuss what last click attribution is and why it might not be the best way to measure marketing success. We’ll also explore some of the alternatives that are available, such as first click attribution and multi-touch attribution. Finally, we’ll give you some tips on how to implement non last click attribution in your own business.

What Is Non Last Click Attribution?

At its core, non last click attribution is a way to measure the value of all touchpoints in a consumer’s purchase journey. This includes everything from the first time a customer sees an ad for your product, to the last interaction they have before making a purchase. Using this data, you can get a more accurate view of your marketing efforts and see which channels are most effective at driving sales. With this information, you can then focus your budget on the channels that are delivering the best results.

Non last click attribution is becoming an increasingly popular way to measure marketing ROI, as it takes into account all the interactions a customer has with your brand. This allows you to see the true value of your marketing efforts and make better decisions about where to allocate your budget.

What Is Last Click Attribution?

Last click attribution is a form of last click measurement and it is the most common form of attribution used by the majority of advertising platforms. This calculation takes into account the last interaction a consumer has had with a brand before they converted. In platforms with multiple interactions over time, like Facebook and Google, last click is the most convenient way to attribute media and maximize the value of advertising dollars.

What Is An Attribution Model?

Attribution models are important parts of digital marketing, telling companies which aspects of their marketing are most effective. Using attribution models, companies can tell what aspects of their marketing are most effective and should be increased, and which aspects are ineffective and should be reduced. For example, if a company’s email campaign had an open rate of 1% and a click through rate of 0.5%, but then they increased their email marketing budget, their open rate went down to 0.8% and their click through rate went down to 0.1%, they would know they should stop increasing their budget because they’re not getting a return on their investment.

What Is Last Touch Attribution?

“Last touch” attribution is, as the name implies, the last touch someone has before making a purchase, signing up for a service, or performing an action on your website. It’s important to understand who your last touch is for the following reasons: 1) You can learn about the effectiveness of each and every marketing channel on your website 2) You’ll know which channels to focus your attention on for the best possible ROI 3) You’ll be able to make strategic decisions regarding your product and how you market it, as well as how you might need to adjust your marketing in the future.

Benefits of Using Non-Last Click Attribution

person typing on MacBook Pro keys
Photo by Tamanna Rumee

More Budget for Your Best Performing Campaigns

The most important benefit of using non last click attribution is that it allows you to better focus on your best performing campaigns. With traditional attribution models, you can’t tell which campaigns are worth spending more money on and which ones aren’t. With non last click, however, every campaign is treated equally and deserves its own budget based on its performance in the marketplace. This makes it easier for marketers to reduce or increase budgets for low value campaigns while increasing funding for those that are driving higher-than-average sales rates.

Understand the Customer Journey

The customer journey is a sequence of events that take place between the first time a user interacts with your brand and the moment they take an action that leads to a conversion. It’s important to understand this because it helps you anticipate what users are thinking about when they’re making decisions about buying from you or engaging with your content. This can help you shape better content and optimize for conversions down the line.

More Accurate ROI Measurement

You can also use Non-Last Click Attribution in order to more accurately measure the ROI of your campaigns. If you are using last click attribution, then any campaigns that do not directly impact revenue will show up as a loss on your report. This means that if someone clicks on an ad and then buys something later, they won’t be counted as an increase in conversions or sales.

However, when using non-last click attribution methods like funnel analysis or event tracking (which we’ll cover in future articles), it becomes clear how valuable each individual interaction is within each campaign. If someone clicks on one of our ads but doesn’t buy anything from us at all during their session while they’re browsing through Facebook pages and websites within our targeting parameters—even though we’ve shown them targeted ads—then this doesn’t matter because it wasn’t valued by anyone else who saw those same ads!

Easier to Spot Low Value Campaigns

In the non-last click attribution model, you can easily detect low value campaigns and allocate budget to high value ones. For example, if a user clicks on an ad with a price of $10 but doesn’t convert into a sale or leads within 30 days, it means that the ad was not effective enough to achieve its goal. This information will help you improve your campaigns by removing those ads from your account and improving them so as to attract more users who are more likely to convert into sales or leads.

Better Attribution of Most Valuable Conversions

Non last click attribution can help you identify the most valuable conversions. It’s all about knowing how to use click through attribution to measure this. The idea behind non last click attribution is that you want to know which of your customers are spending more time on your site than other people. By understanding their behavior and preferences, you can find out what kinds of products or services they’re really interested in buying from your company—and therefore focus more resources on bringing those items into existence!

For example: say a customer opens an email newsletter from my website and clicks through three times before leaving without making any purchases (see image above). This means that I’ve lost an opportunity for them to buy something from me because I wasn’t able to convert them into customers at all during that first visit; however if we look at each visit individually instead of seeing just one overall conversion rate throughout all visits then we get better results:

Improved Use of Data

  • Data is more relevant to the real world.
  • Data is more accurate.
  • Data is more useful.
  • Data helps you make decisions faster and better, allowing you to do what’s right for your business instead of relying on guesswork or gut instinct alone

More Accurate Performance Comparison Between Channels

The next benefit of using non last click attribution is the ability to compare your performance across channels. This allows you to easily spot low value campaigns and better understand how they are performing in comparison with higher value ones. For example, if a campaign has a high number of impressions but low conversion rate (CR), it may be because users are viewing the ad on their mobile device but not clicking through or hitting another page after viewing it once. In this case, you should consider changing your strategy so that users can convert more easily when visiting your site from their mobile device.

Better Performance Measurement by Device Type

There are several ways to measure performance by device type. The most common is an A/B test, where you compare two different landing pages or offers to determine which one performs better. You could also use your website analytics tool to see how many of each device type click on a specific page or offer and then send out content that applies only to those devices.

If you want even more granular control over how users interact with your site, try using Google Tag Manager (GTM). GTM allows developers like us at Jigsy (our publishing platform) access directly into their data so we can identify users’ interests based on the way they navigate from one page of our site through others—and use this information when developing content for them!

Greater Understanding of Consumer Behavior Throughout the Funnel

black smartphone near person
Photo by Alexander Grey

The Non Last Click Attribution model gives you a greater understanding of consumer behavior throughout the funnel, which can help you make better decisions about what to promote and how to optimize your marketing campaigns. For example:

  • You can see how users behave across the funnel. With this data, you’ll know when users are most likely opening a link or visiting your site (and whether they have already navigated away from it), which will allow for more informed decisions about where to spend resources on advertising platforms like Google AdWords, Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads.
  • You can see how much of each channel is responsible for driving traffic through that particular area of your website or app—whether it’s organic search results leads or paid ads driving conversions at checkout. This information will help ensure that all channels are working together synergistically for maximum success!

Challenges & Considerations of Non Last Click Attribution

Now that you know the benefits of non last click attribution, let’s talk about some of the challenges and considerations you may run into when implementing it.

The first thing to note is that non-last click attribution requires an agile mindset—especially when it comes to analytics. You have to be willing and able to constantly tweak your strategies and make adjustments based on what you’re learning from the data. You may also have trouble distinguishing between long-term strategies versus short-term tactics. It can be hard to determine which actions are having a real impact on performance, versus those that are just generating vanity metrics.

Another thing to consider is how non last click attribution could affect your budgeting process. When you’re attributing credit across multiple sources, it can be more difficult to track which sources are getting most of your budget. This makes it more challenging to effectively allocate funds throughout the customer journeys.

Finally, non last click attribution requires a commitment from the whole organization—from marketing to product management, customer service, sales and beyond—in order for it succeed. Everyone needs to align around the same goals in order for your strategy to be effective in the long run.

How to Implement Non Last Click Attribution

Implementing a non last click attribution system can seem daunting, but the reality is that it’s not hard. All you need are access to your analytics data and a solid understanding of the different types of attribution models available.

First, you’ll want to decide which attribution method you want to use. This will depend on the type of data you have, as well as your specific business goals. For example, if you’re looking for insights into how customers interact with each digital channel, a time-decay model could be a great choice. On the other hand, if you want to understand which channels are driving sales or conversions, an algorithmic model might be a better fit.

Once you’ve settled on an attribution model, it’s time to get your hands dirty. You’ll need to export data from each of your digital marketing channels and plug that into an attribution tool – like Google Analytics – which will generate reports with custom metrics based on your selected model. Finally, review those metrics and use them to guide decisions about budget allocation and more!

Best Practices for Tracking Non Last Click Attribution

Are you looking for the best ways to track your non-Last Click attribution data? Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Stick to Only Using Relevant Channels: Make sure you’re only counting the channels that are actually relevant to your customers’ journey. This will allow you to get a more accurate depiction of the customer journey, so that you can make better decisions about where and when to put your resources.
  • Track Your Metrics Carefully: Make sure that you’re monitoring all of your metrics as closely as possible so that you can identify any patterns or trends in behavior. By doing this, you’ll be able to make data-driven decisions on how best to utilize non last click attribution.
  • Leverage Platforms and Automation Tools: Leveraging platforms and automation tools such as Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics or Mixpanel can help streamline the process of tracking your non last click attribution metrics. This will make it easier for you to accurately measure the performance of each channel within your marketing campaigns.


So, that’s a basic overview of how using non last click attribution can help you get a more accurate view of your marketing efforts. Obviously, it’s a fairly complex process, and there are a lot of details that we’ve skipped over. But at a high level, this is how it works.

There’s a lot to consider when implementing non last click attribution, but the benefits can be huge. By taking a more holistic view of your marketing data, you can make more informed decisions about where to focus your efforts and get a better understanding of how your campaigns are performing. If you’re ready to give non last click attribution a try, be sure to read our guide on how to do it. It’s packed with more information on how to set it up and use it to its fullest potential.

We believe in working smart, not hard, and that's been our life motto. We're self-taught learners who are passionate about sharing knowledge. We've created this website as a platform to empower individuals and businesses with marketing insights. Our team at Unlimited Marketing is driven by a desire to educate and provide accessible marketing wisdom. We believe in the transformative power of effective marketing, whether for personal growth or business success. Our mission is to simplify and make marketing knowledge easily accessible to all.