Best Examples Of  Influencer Collaboration Email Template

Influencer promoting a product.

It is no longer controversial that influencer marketing is one of the most powerful tools for marketers in the 21st century. A lot of researches show how a single dollar spent on an influencer collaboration agreement brings in six times more in revenue. Collaborations with influencers always start with an outreach program – a very first step in influencer marketing. 

The outreach programs involve email campaigns that intend to promote a brand. You will be using influencer collaboration email templates to reach various influencers, grab their attention, and seal the deal. This article will become your guide in creating effective email templates for your influencer outreach and will provide an influencer collaboration email template sample that you can start using immediately.

Why Influencer Collaboration Email Template is Important?

Believe it or not, influencers are busy people. They get hundreds of emails from people like you every day. And the reality is they don’t even open half of the emails they receive. So the challenge you end up having is how to make an influencer open your email, read it entirely, and come back to you with a response. 

The first and most significant element for solving the puzzle is an effective collaboration email template. You don’t want to send the same email to all your potential collaborators but you do want to have a formula that works with almost everyone. In addition, you save a lot of time as you no longer need to write email text over and over again and wonder why some of them work and some don’t. 

Is Collaborating With An Influencer Worth The Money?

You don’t jump into an influencer collaboration effort before you know it’s worth it. Marketers analyze their expected returns and profits from each influencer partnership and only after they are confident the collaboration will be profitable they start crafting the emails. 

In general, if you research the market well and find the right influencer for your brand, the partnership should be highly beneficial. According to statistics, influencer marketing strategy is one of the most effective marketing methods.

Studies indicate that:

  • 39% of customers say they will likely buy a product after an influencer recommendation.
  • companies make $6.5 for every $1 used on influencer marketing
  • brands that use influencers say they helped them achieve 11 times better results than banner ads.

How To Write a Collaboration Email to an Influencer 

Now that you are ready to write an influencer email, here are the steps you should follow:

  1. Find the right influencer for your brand.
  2. Find The Right Influencer For Your Brand
  3. Ensure that the influencer is best suited to work with you.
Find the right influencer for your brand.

Find The Right Influencer For Your Brand

Some of the factors to consider when finding the right influencer for your brand are:

  1. Relevance to your brand
  2. Number of followers
  3. Experience with promoting other brands

Influencers can be grouped into different categories. Usually, marketers classify them according to the size of their follower base. You must choose an influencer category or type according to your budget. If you have limited financial resources do not aim for social media account owners who have more than 10K followers (it also depends on a niche, but it’s a general rule of thumb). 

Micro-influencers make up 47% of all influencers. Therefore, you do not need a big budget to collaborate with these types of influencers. You can get almost the same results with a micro-influencer as with big influencers, as they have more loyal followers and better engagement.

Even though nano influencers have considerably lower follower bases, they have the highest engagement rate at 47%. They usually work in very specific niches and have an audience that is loyal and truly interested in page’ content. Therefore, when picking influencers, don’t overlook those with between 1000 and 5000 followers.

Components of a Good Influencer Collaboration Email

Now that you have found a good influencer marketer, you must understand how to write a good email for them. Here are the components you should include in your influencer marketing email.

Subject line

According to Hubspot, 35% of email recipients open an email depending on the subject line. That means you must have a catchy subject line if you want the influencer to open your email.

Include their name in the subject line to draw the influencer’s attention. For instance, you can write something like:

Ashley, we would like to work with you.

Milliam, your followers will appreciate this product.

Ensure that the subject line is short, preferably less than 7 words. Using emojis in the subject line can increase the recipient’s chances of opening the email.

Start with friendly greetings

Start with a friendly greeting using the influencer’s name when writing the email. Make this part short. Instead, ensure that the biggest part of your email details the actual collaboration with the influencer.

Campaign details

Another part that should be included in your email is your collaboration with your influencer. Some of the details that you should include in this part are:

  • The reward you will give to the influencer. Is it money, products, or a commission?
  • Be clear on how the influencer will be gaining from the collaboration.
  • Show the reason why you believe in the partnership. You can provide examples of posts that show this.

Should You Email Or DM an Influencer?

Whether to email or DM an influencer will depend on your needs. Emailing an influencer will enable you to stay official and provide in-depth details on the collaboration. So, if you want to explain your campaign and why you believe the influencer is a good fit, go with an email.

If you want to communicate casually with an influencer, you should DM the influencer. It also depends on an influencer marketing platform of your choice, but in general, when using this channel, ensure your message is brief, sweet, and to the point.

Pay attention to how the influencer would also like to be contacted. In most cases, creators who regularly collaborate with brands often list how they prefer to be contacted in their bios.

Example Of Influencer Collaboration Email Templates

If you are still  not sure how to write an influencer collaboration email template, here are a few examples:

Micro-Influencer  Collaboration Email Templates

If you would like to work with a nanon or micro-influencer, you will likely give them free products to sample. In that case, you must follow a micro-influencer email collaboration template. Here is an example.

General Influencer Collaboration Email Template

Here is a general email template for a collaboration.

Influencer marketing DM templates

If you want to remain informal in communicating with an influencer, a DM message works better than an email. This is also a great choice if you need to write a short message. Here is a sample DM message for an influencer.

Tips to Improve Your Chances of Acceptance

Remember that influencers only accept 1 out of the 4 collaboration requests they receive. Therefore, if you only write to ask for a partnership without a good reason, this will not bag you the coveted influencer. 

If you need an influencer to choose your brand over another, you should tell them the right things. Here are a few tips to increase the chances of the influencers accepting the collaboration and the relationship working.

Speak their language: If you want to reach customers in Germany, you should work with an influencer who speaks the language.

Avoid using the same template. Instead, personalize the relationship by personalizing the email.

Follow up on the email: There are chances that the influencer will not read your email as they are busy. You can follow up by writing a second email, tweeting to them, or sending a DM. However, when following up, you should be reasonable and not appear like a stalker. If they still do not respond after following up, this could indicate that they aren’t interested.

Final Thoughts

Remember that influencers only accept 1 out of the 4 collaboration requests they receive. Therefore, if you only write to ask for a partnership without a good reason, this will not bag you the coveted influencer. 

If you need an influencer to choose your brand over another, you should tell them the right things. Here are a few tips to increase the chances of the influencers accepting the collaboration and the relationship working.

Speak their language: If you want to reach customers in Germany, you should work with an influencer who speaks the language.

Avoid using the same template. Instead, personalize the relationship by personalizing the email.

Follow up on the email: There are chances that the influencer will not read your email as they are busy. You can follow up by writing a second email, tweeting to them, or sending a DM. However, when following up, you should be reasonable and not appear like a stalker. If they still do not respond after following up, this could indicate that they aren’t interested.

Benjamin is a writer with over ten years of experience in the content writing field. He holds a Bachelor's degree in  Journalism from Strathmore University. He writes on various niches such as product reviews, self-improvement, and making mone online. You can find him curled on his couch with a self-improvement book when he is not blogging.