Different Types of Advertising and Tips on Using Them.

Adsare of different types.

Advertising involves spreading a brand’s messages to an audience through different channels such as TV and radio, social media, and billboards. Unlike the past when companies could only advertise through traditional media channels, today, they can advertise through digital media. This article will examine the different advertising methods and provide tips on using each.

Types of Advertising Methods

Here are the common types of advertisement methods that companies use to reach their target customers.

TV Advertisement

Companies use TV ads to reach their target audience through a 15-second, 30-second, or even 60-second commercial. While this advertising method can be expensive, it enables businesses to repeat their ads several times. Some of the factors affecting the cost of TV ads are:

  • Ad length
  • Time of the day
  • Airing frequency
  • Number of networks
  • Geographical reach
  • Television show
TV advertising is one type of ad.

If you advertise a product in a widely watched event like the Grammys, you are likelier to pay more than someone advertising on a late-night TV program. While the TV audience is largely being eaten away by social media sites such as YouTube, which is still one of the most effective advertising methods. Here are tips on  TV advertisements:

  • Create an outstanding script
  • Choose the right visuals
  • Use both verbal and visual cues
  • Develop a signature theme or character
  • Make your message simple to understand

Radio advertisement

This is another type of advertisement that broadcasts to an audience during the programming break. It also has an advantage because of its wider reach and the ability to keep repeating the ads.  Here are the most important tips for doing radio advertisements:

  • Research the most popular radio with your audience
  •  Understand the most important time of the day when the audience is listening.
  • Use ads that grab the listener’s attention
  • Use music to draw the interest of the  listener
  • Use the right words to create images in the listener’s minds

This refers to putting ads in newspapers and magazines to reach readers. Printed ads include other materials such as bronchures, flyers, and directories. One of the benefits of this type of advertisement is that it helps you reach a certain category of people. For instance, if you have a business doing home makeovers, you can put an ad in a magazine for home renovations. Here are tips on print advertising:

  • Give your readers an immediate benefit or reason to learn more about your product.
  • Use gripping headlines
  • Include a clear call to action
  • Optimize your layout and typography

Direct mail advertising

This form of advertising involves sending marketing messages directly to customers through email. The messages can be in bronchures, newsletters, fliers, and catalogs. With this message, businesses can reach a more targeted audience than print advertising. For instance, if you have a  salon business, you can email your customers to inform them of the opening of your new branch. Here are tips on email marketing.

  • Keep your message well-personalized
  • Use email segmentaiton
  • Time your emails
  • Segment your customers.

Podcast advertising

There are different ways in which brands can advertise through podcasts. They can sponsor podcasts or advertise their products in the middle of the podcasts. Just like in radio advertisements, brands should research the podcasts that are most popular for their brands. Here are tips on podcast advertising:

  • Create a clear message for your audience
  • Choose the right podcast that aligns well with your brand and industry
  • Keep testing the results of your podcast advertising.

Social media advertising

This is one of the most popular forms of advertising in the 21st century. With over 5 billion people on social media, it is clear why brands use these advertising methods to reach their audience. These forms of advertisement also make it easy for businesses to reach a specific audience. They can target customers using demographic location, sex, age groups, and buying habits.

Here are tips on social media marketing.

  • Decide on the right social media platform to reach your audience
  • Create a social media strategy
  • Determine the right kind of content to reach your audience
  • Post consistently

Mobile advertising

This advertisement reaches consumers through mobile gadgets such as phones and tablets. The ads can be shown to consumers through an app or social media pages. For instance, when a customer plays a videogame, they may receive an ad on other such games in between them.

Here are tips on mobile advertising:

Pay per click Advertising 

This is a paid search advertising method where advertisers pay for an online ad when a viewer clicks. The process usually starts with the advertiser bidding for certain keywords related to their business. For instance, if your business sells gym equipment, you can bid for the keywords best foldable treadmills.

Here are tips on PPC advertising:

Outdoor  advertising

Also referred to as out-of-home advertising, this refers to advertisements that consumers see on the streets. It includes billboards and advertisements in public places or transit vehicles like outside buses. These ads aim to create a brand address in a certain geographical location.

Here are advertising tips:

  • Keep your message simple
  • Use bold colors
  • Choose the right location
  • Understand your audience
  • Use the right signage materials
Outdoor advertising.

Guerilla advertisement

This refers to other kinds of advertisements that are not commonly used. They are usually cheaper and draw attention using some creative tips. The advertisement message may sometimes invite the audience to participate. For instance, they encourage user-generated content to be shared on social media.

Final Thoughts

 While there are many advertising methods, the above are some of the most common. You can choose one that fits your brand message and your audience. Your brand message can reach your audience by choosing the right advertising method.

Benjamin is a writer with over ten years of experience in the content writing field. He holds a Bachelor's degree in  Journalism from Strathmore University. He writes on various niches such as product reviews, self-improvement, and making mone online. You can find him curled on his couch with a self-improvement book when he is not blogging.