Google Search Query URL

Google Search Query URL

As a frequent Google user, you probably use search query URL often. Most people use Google in its simplest form, unless they’re technology geeks. There’s a better way to use Google than typing words and changing your search until you find what you’re looking for — and it’s not hard to learn.

In the Google search box, you can use advanced search operators to narrow your search. A custom search phrase can be created by entering parameters in the Chrome omnibar address bar. Such a search query URL could be: “allintitle: tesla vs. Edison”. For example, com/search?q=”nikola+tesla” may be a search parameter.

However, even if you know how to use Google like a pro, we still recommend this article of Google advanced search tips. You’ll have the tips at your fingertips when you’re ready to pull your hair out in frustration watching a neophyte repeatedly type in basic queries.

What is the search query on Google?

The “advanced operators” or search queries that Google uses are special characters and instructions that expand the functionality of standard text searches. Search operators can be helpful for a variety of tasks, including technical SEO audits and content research.

What are the search operators for?

Similar to a text search, you can immediately enter search operators into the Google search box: “Google Search operators” site: Moz. Google will only return typical organic results, barring unusual circumstances (such as the “in” operator).

Cheat sheet for Google search operations

The most popular organic search engine operators are listed below, divided into three groups: “Basic,” “Advanced,” and “Unreliable.” Standard text searches can be modified by basic search operators.

I. Basic search query

  • “Nikola Tesla,”

Any phrase can be made exact-match-only by putting it in quotation marks. Avoids using synonyms for single words.

  • OR” Edison OR Tesla

By default, Google searches combine terms logically with AND. Enter “OR” to specify a logical OR (ALL-CAPS).

  • “|” Edison | Tesla

“OR” and the pipe (|) operator are interchangeable. helpful if your caps-lock malfunctions

  • “()” Alternating current, either Tesla or Edison

To group operators and manage their execution order, use parenthesis.

  • “-“The Tesla Motors

To remove a term from the results, place a minus sign (-) in front of it (including operators).

  • “*” Tesla is “rock and roll.”

As a wildcard, an asterisk (*) will match any term. Tesla made an announcement in 2015..2017.

  • “(…)” To check on any integer in that range of integers, use (..) with the numbers on either side.
  • ( $) Tesla must put down $1000.

Use the dollar sign ($) to search for pricing. If you want specific prices, like $19.99, you can mix ($) and (.).

  • “(€)” $9.99 lunch specials

Use the Euro (€) symbol to search for prices. Google doesn’t appear to recognize the majority of other money symbols.

  • “in” mph or 250 kph

To convert between two equal units, use “in”. This produces a unique outcome like a Knowledge Card.

Special commands known as “advanced google search query” change searches and may call for additional parameters (such as a domain name). Searches are often narrowed and results are dug deeper using advanced operators.

II. Advanced search query

  • “Tesla vs. Edison” is the in-title.

To find a word or phrase, merely look in the page title. For terms, employ exact-match (quotes).

  • Tesla versus Edison: allintitle

After “allintitle:,” look up each personal term in the page title. similar to having numerous in title :’s

  • Tesla Announcements: inurl

Look for a word or phrase in the file URL that is (in quotes). able can be combined with other words.

  • allinurl: Nikon field-keywords on amazon

After “allinurl:,” look up each individual term in the URL. similar to using several URLs:’s.

  • in text: “Orbi vs. eero vs. google wifi,”

Look up a word or phrase (with quotes) exclusively within the content of the body or document.

  • allintext: Google WiFi, Orbi eero,

In the text after “allintext:,” look for each distinct term. similar to many intexts:

  • filetype: “tesla announcements” file type: pdf

Just a particular file type will match. The following are a few examples: PDF, DOC, XLS, PPT, and TXT.


A list of websites with ties to the target domain. works only for bigger domains.

  • AROUND: AROUND(X) tesla EDISON (3)

Searches for results where the two terms or phrases are (X) words apart.

Unreliable operators have either been discovered to yield erratic results or have been completely deprecated. Early in 2017, the “link:” operator became formally deprecated. The “inanchor:” operators appear to still be in use, however they produce very limited and occasionally inaccurate results. For your initial investigation, solely use link-based operators.

III. Unreliable/outdated search query

  • ~ ~cars

Specify synonyms. appears to be unreliable, and the inclusion of synonyms is now the default.

  • + +cars

Require an exact match for just one word. Deprecated since Google+’s introduction.

  • date range

Tesla announcements’ date range daterange:2457663-2457754. Results should be within the requested range. inconsistent at times. calls for Julian’s dates.

  • link:

Look for websites that link to the desired domain. Early in 2017, this operator was declared obsolete.

  • “Tesla announcements” in the anchor

Look for links to pages using the requested anchor text or phrase. Data are sampled heavily.

  • announcements from Tesla: allinanchor:

Look for pages that contain each individual term that follows “inanchor:” in the inbound anchor text. Keep in mind that Google will attempt to use the “allin…:” operator for every term that comes after it. “Allin…:” operators nearly never result in the expected outcomes when combined with other operators.

Search Query Advice & Techniques

Putting together a puzzle requires more than simply having all the pieces. Integrating search operators gives them their true strength.

1. Combine operator combinations

Almost any combination of text searches, fundamental operators, and sophisticated operators can be chained together:

“Nikola Tesla” intitle:”top 5..10 facts” inurl:2015

Any URLs that contain the words “Nikola Tesla” (exact match), “Top (X) facts” (X can vary from 5 to 10), are not hosted on, and have the year 2015 somewhere in the URL will be returned by this search.

2. Look for copied material

Trying to determine whether your writing is original or whether someone is stealing it? Use a distinct phrase from your content, enclose it in quotation marks (exact match), and use the “-site:” operator to omit your own website. They were playing with our intestines, according to the text at To discover duplicates of your material, use “intitle:” together with a long, exact-match phrase.

3. Examine your HTTP to HTTPS conversion

A website’s transition from HTTP to HTTPS can be difficult. See how many of each sort of page Google has indexed to double-check your performance. On your root domain, use the “site:” query to filter out HTTPS pages, and then use “-inurl:” to do so. -inurl:https

How to identify the site’s search query parameter?

Do you have any doubts about your query parameter? Take a glance at a random term on your website, such as “Dorothy,” and then examine the URL of the resulting page. The term “Dorothy” should appear in your URL before the ‘=’ sign. A word or letter precedes the “=” symbol, followed by another punctuation mark. You require that word or letter. For instance, the URL that appears when searching for “Dorothy” on ecosia. org is: Dorothy. The search query parameter in this URL is ‘q’. This indicates that you should enter the query parameter “q” in Google Analytics.


A search query is made up of one or more words, numbers, or phrases that you want to appear in the listings of the search results. You should occasionally refer to a query as search keywords in Google Guide. To display your search results, now press the ENTER key or the Google Search icon.

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