Importance of Keyword Research for Local SEO: Creating Targeted Landing Pages, Understanding Audience, and Generating Sales

Have a user-friendly site for better mobile SEO.

Studies indicate that 76% of all mobile searches are done by people intending to buy a product or service locally. Out of that number, 28% of searches result in an actual purchase. This means that if you have a local business, you should optimize your site for the search engines. 

The first step to optimizing for local SEO is keyword research. You should find the keywords people use to find your products or services. But how do you do keyword research for local searches? Why is keyword research for local SEO unique? Join us as we answer these and other local SEO questions.

Importance of Keyword Research For Local Seo

When done well, keyword research for local SEO can help you:

  • Create landing pages that target your location
  • Understand your target audience better
  • Generate more sales and leads
  • Rank highly on the search engines
  • Enables search engine users to find your business more easily
  • Find related markets that you can target
  • Gain customer’s trust and credibility

Why is Keyword Research for Local SEO Different?

Local SEO is the process of optimizing your site for your local geographical location. This aims to attract more leads and gain more customers. But on top of that, it also helps in SERP ranking for localized searches. Google considers several factors while ranking your site for a particular geographical area:

  • Location of the search engine user
  • Name, address, and phone numbers
  • Relevant keywords and Google My Business
  • Online reviews

Google will also consider other factors such as distance, relevance, and overall web presence in ranking your site. Keyword research for local SEO differs, as people use terms and phrases with modifiers. You, therefore, ended up finding terms with your location with them. 

For instance, if you are a chiropractor in Utah, you should use the keyword “chiropractor in Utah” instead of just “Chiropractor.” Voice searches are also an essential element of local SEO. Studies indicate that 76% of mobile phone users find products or services on their phones. 

Local searches mostly happen while on the go.

How to do Keyword Research for Local SEO

Here are the steps to follow when doing keyword research for local SEO.

Understand Your Audience

To know the terms and phrases people use to search for products and services in your niche, you need to know their demographics, interests, and main points. Are they searching for affordable or high-end products? What challenges are they facing, and how can your business help them overcome them? Answering these questions will help you determine keywords they use to find your business.

Find Keywords in Your Niche

Before you even think of optimizing for local SEO, you should start by determining your keywords in general. These are the keywords you will use to narrow down the local keywords. Think of the products and services that people buy in your niche. 

What general terms do people use to refer to your products? For instance, if you are a  chiropractor, your key terms include back pain therapy, bone therapy, alternative back pain medicine, natural back treatment, and more.

You can use tools to find the key phrases to target, such as:

You can also use Google-related searches, Google Autosearches, and more. 

Use Keyword Modifiers

To get targeted traffic for your location, you should add modifiers to the keywords you found in our previous steps. Modifiers are terms like:

  • Near me
  • Local
  • In my area
  • Find

These keyword modifiers can help you have a more diverse keyword list. They are also less competitive and may be easier to rank for. But since it’s hard to optimize for words like near me or in my area, we suggest adding your business to Google My Business. Also, ensure your business address is included in your website.

Add Location to Your Keywords

Remember also to add your location next to the keyword—for instance, “Chiropractors in SALT Lake City” or “local chiropractors.” Google autosuggest can be helpful in determining local keywords people are using in your geography. 

The Google Places search bar will also show the keywords people use to search for a geographical location. By doing a geographical search, you will also be provided with a pick list consisting of places and the search terms people use in those areas.

Perform Competitor Analysis

Some tools like Semrush and Ahrefs will also enable you to enter your competitor’s site to see the keywords they are targeting and ranking for. When doing competitor analysis, some of the factors to check are:

  • Keywords they are ranking for. If you find a keyword your competitors are targeting, it’s because it has a high search volume and is profitable.
  • Type of content. Consider the kind of content they create around a target keyword.
  • Site structure. Check how their sites look like to get an idea of how to improve your site.

A tool like Serpstat is specially made to help you do competitor analysis.

Determine the Search Intent

You should also determine what your prospects are searching for when using a keyword. Are they looking for general information or to buy a product or service?

The search intent can be categorized into:

  • Informational. The searcher is looking for general information.
  • Navigational. The person is looking for a site.
  • Commercial. The searcher is looking to buy a product.

 By understanding their search intent, you can better your content and keywords to meet their needs. For instance, you can use informational keywords to show readers how to solve a problem.

Tips to Optimize Your Site for Local SEO

According to Google, here are tips you can use to optimize your site for local SEO:

  • Verify location. This helps to improve your visibility on local searches.
  • Keep opening details up to date. This is particularly important during weekends and holidays.
  • Respond to reviews. Positive reviews can offer confidence and improve visibility.
  • Includes images and in-store listings. These should showcase your business and its products.
Local keyword research involves voice searches.

Final Thoughts

By understanding the keywords people use to search for products and services in your geographical location, you can target those keywords, create content, and optimize your site for them. By following the steps in our guide, it is possible to find keywords for local SEO.

Benjamin is a writer with over ten years of experience in the content writing field. He holds a Bachelor's degree in  Journalism from Strathmore University. He writes on various niches such as product reviews, self-improvement, and making mone online. You can find him curled on his couch with a self-improvement book when he is not blogging.